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How Do I Order a Print?

What is the difference between an original painting and a Giclée print on exhibition canvas?
An original painting is a one of a kind creation painted by the artist. A Giclée print on exhibition canvas is a recreation of the painting that will last for 100 years and are created to look similar to the original artwork.
How much does it cost to commission a piece?
Questions regarding cost of commissions can be submitted here:
How much are original paintings?
Questions regarding cost of original paintings can be submitted here:
Does Dawn create work that is not in her signature wonky style?
At present Dawn has made the development of her signature style a priority, and is only accepting commissions in line with this.
Should I frame my original paintings?
Dawn paints the edges of her canvases and framing may not be necessary, however, if you choose to frame Dawn’s original paintings, we would recommend a framer who specializes in fine art framing. Large box department stores that offer deals in everything from yarn to children’s crafts have been ill-equipped to deal with a significant investment such as an original piece of art.
Should I hang prints in direct sunlight?
No. Although Dawn’s canvas prints are printed with lightfast ink, we do not recommend hanging a print in direct sunlight.
How are the prints made?
To give you a better idea of the process, here is the journey that each print takes... Each one needs to be printed on the exhibition canvas, cut from the canvas, dried for two days to ensure they are completely dry for stretching, they are then stretched on the wooden frame and shipped from the printer. The entire process takes about 4-6 weeks from the time of order to delivery.
Does Dawn autograph her prints?
Currently Dawn does not personally sign or autograph any prints, unless she is attending a public appearance.
If you have any questions that have not been answered above, please feel free to email or use the contact page.
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